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Ask a linguist - Here, you can ask questions and discuss topics in English or other languages. Answers will usually be given in English.
5 / 29Linguistik_Ersti > 21.01.2017, 17:03:42
1 / 6.630Linguistik_Ersti > 21.01.2017, 15:52:39
2 / 3.016Naddl91 > 16.01.2017, 16:36:56
5 / 3.881Linguistik_Ersti > 14.01.2017, 21:21:18
2 / 12.997Katharina_S_0805 > 11.12.2016, 00:28:49
4 / 4.957erdbeerkonfitüre > 08.12.2016, 09:51:44
2 / 3.364platonva > 27.11.2016, 18:42:25
3 / 5.050boanjerkes > 16.11.2016, 23:09:39
6 / 5.914crme > 16.11.2016, 21:32:50
1 / 4.093Manatee > 07.11.2016, 15:40:04
0 / 3.323miazma > 13.10.2016, 15:28:28
1 / 4.240Adebar Storch > 07.10.2016, 13:43:57
1 / 2.441tztztz > 27.09.2016, 10:03:51
5 / 10.573tztztz > 20.09.2016, 21:30:54
8 / 6.852Kyû > 09.09.2016, 00:45:17
5 / 4.152