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5 / 29lingulaura > 27.02.2022, 13:31:30
5 / 1.210lingusabines > 19.02.2022, 11:24:35
2 / 1.469wislander > 14.01.2022, 13:46:14
4 / 2.623TomRohwer > 28.12.2021, 20:31:28
9 / 2.300ulei > 28.12.2021, 20:22:13
2 / 1.440KingGerald > 19.10.2021, 13:52:55
4 / 2.049weev > 27.08.2021, 20:18:25
8 / 2.251MichaelF. > 03.08.2021, 15:47:20
1 / 1.670Systerodium > 26.07.2021, 15:15:11
5 / 2.321PavelLande > 17.07.2021, 09:53:37
3 / 1.835Kanye > 14.07.2021, 15:30:32
2 / 1.527lingulaura > 13.07.2021, 13:19:26
0 / 1.236Inun-Ea > 17.06.2021, 13:59:24
7 / 2.250lingulaura > 10.06.2021, 06:44:04
2 / 1.284auslandstudent123 > 10.06.2021, 06:42:15
2 / 2.018